Found object + Intervention

PREMIÈRE EXHIBITIONCrack, Artus Studio, Budapest, 2022
MEDIAobject, removed camera and microphone, dimensions: 2 × 3 cm

_ Description

Edward Joseph Snowden (1983) is an American former computer intelligence consultant and president of the Freedom of press Foundation, who as a whistleblower leaked highly classified information from the National Security Agency (NSA) in 2013, shedding light on the global surveillance apparatus of the institution. The American authorities have condemned his act, and he had to flee in exile because of the criminal charges brought up against him.

In one of his interviews (MSNBC, The 11th Hour, 9/17/2019) he discloses that the recording capacity of the smart phones are operational even when device is fully off, therefore he always removes the inbuilt camera and mic from his own devices, in order to “being able to trust our technology” again.