Visitor’s diary

EXHIBITIONCrack, Artus Studio, Budapest, 2022
a collaboration ofTra Nguyen and Pallavi Majumder

A common element of two successive exhibitions realized as a collaboration between Artus Studio and the Doctoral School of HUFA, the “door” stands like a gatekeeper of a passageway, it is nothing but an aperture for transition from one place to another.
We metaphorically assign the meaning of door as an entrance to another space of newness, discoveries or experience; often they serve as a tool of imprisonment or even emancipation. Doors are everywhere, reminding us about the attention that we pay to our outer and inner world in deeper sense. An open door has been always associated with new beginnings – of new opportunities and expectations of what lies ahead.

This work ‘Open Doors’ serves as a linkage between the concepts of Tra and Pallavi’s individual researches. Both of their researches are varied, and separated but they open a common door of individual interpretation of ‘open doors’ in their separate exhibitions. They are inviting the viewers to open their inner doors and put down the experience generated within them as a response to the works or even any memories or incidents they can remember of, in relation to the term ‘open doors’, through text, drawings, doodling or in any possible or impossible ways as they can imagine. Hence this open door of the exhibition space becomes nothing less than a testimony of realizations and imaginations while serving the role of a visitor’s book for the actual exhibitions.